"Madoff, Dreier and Allen Stanford Ponzi Links to the Iviewit Affairs with proskauer all around.
At the heart of the unearthing of several of the largest financial scams in history, Bernard Madoff, Sir Allen Stanford and Marc S. Dreier, again we find the law firm Proskauer and their Iviewit referrals and co-conspirators such as Joao and other defendants in my lawsuit, central figures as indicated in the Crime Chart.
Again, perhaps these schemes are the money laundering schemes for the royalties from the stolen technologies, a place to park bribe money like Swiss bank accounts, perhaps including those recently involved in scandal with UBS whereby the names are soon to be released or just to hide the ill gained profits.
As you can imagine because my dreams and inventions have become realities for the world in transforming virtually all digital imaging and video applications, placing Multi-Media as a more important component of the digital world now than even the operating system, i.e. Microsoft’s Windows. Without the ability to play rich multi-media the operating system would have little use.
The amount of converted royalties generated from the technologies over the past decade, including invention of wholly new markets, is beyond imagination and had to be laundered somehow; recent scandals may provide the explanation.
The Sir Allen Stanford Financial Fraud and Ties to Proskauer
The Stanford Ponzi investigation may be the card that knocks down the house of cards at Proskauer. Uncovering of the $65 Billion Madoff Ponzi led the SEC & FBI to intensify investigations into Stanford; I quote the Times Online for the Committee,
‘Perhaps the most alarming is that Stanford Investment Bank has exposure to losses from the Madoff fraud scheme despite the bank's public assurance to the contrary’, said the SEC.
The Wall Street Journal reported that CFO of Stanford Financial Group, James Davis, also involved in the $7 Billion Ponzi, pled Guilty to Federal charges while appearing to implicate counsel Proskauer & Partner Thomas Sjoblom orchestrating a plan to Obstruct SEC & FBI investigations into Stanford & more. Further information reveals blood oaths between regulators and Stanford to conceal the fraud from regulatory agencies and Stanford’s possible involvement with the number one MEXICAN DRUG CARTEL with Proskauer dead center and alleged in the crimes and Cover-Up crimes.
I have submitted in my Prepared Statement links to the Wall Street Journal and other articles relating to these links for the Committees further review.
Ironically, Sjoblom worked for the SEC & now is implicated in FBI & SEC actions, advising client Stanford employees on “how” to lie to the SEC and further obstructive acts. Huffington Post on Feb 20, 09 claims, Sjoblom, a partner at law firm Proskauer Rose doing work for Stanford's company's Antigua affiliate, told authorities that he ‘disaffirmed’ everything he had told them to date...Sjoblom spent nearly 20 years at the SEC, & served as an Asst Chief Litigation Counsel in the SEC's Division of Enforcement from 1987-1999.
The Committee should note the close proximity of dates between the Iviewit inventions and Proskauer’s acquisition of Sjoblom.
The Bernard Madoff Financial Fraud and Ties to Proskauer
If I may read again into the record from Bloomberg on Jan 14, 09,
The week after Bernard Madoff was charged with running a $50 billion Ponzi scheme, Proskauer Rose…offered a telephone briefing on the scandal for its wealthy clients. With only a day’s notice, 1,300 Madoff investors dialed in. ‘This is a financial 9/11 for our clients’, said Proskauer litigation partner Gregg Mashberg…‘People are dying for information.’
Following the “client” call, investigations began into major “clients” involved in Madoff, Proskauer having perhaps the most Madoff “clients”, many who originally claimed to be victims may now be accomplice.
From Fox Business, I quote, SEC OIG delivered a stinging report on Madoff harshly criticizing lax regulators for overlooking the Madoff information from WHISTLEBLOWERS & others inside the SEC, for years. http://www.foxbusiness.com/story/markets/industries/government/report-set-criticize-sec-madoff-scheme/
Proskauer has further ties to Madoff according to TPM, in 2004 an SEC attorney, Genevievette Walker-Lightfoot, notified the SEC of the Ponzi but was forced out of her job, the SEC later settling a claim filed by Lightfoot. Upon termination, Lightfoot turned over the Madoff file to Jacqueline Wood who then presumably buried the report that could have exposed the Ponzi in 04. The SEC OIG’s 477 page report mentions Wood of Proskauer throughout the entire report as a key figure in the regulatory failures, along with possible collusion of Madoff family members who married into the SEC. http://www.sec.gov/news/studies/2009/oig-509.pdf
TPM reports that after leaving the SEC, Wood took a Proskauer Partnership and I submit linkage for this Committee’s review in my Prepared Statement @ TPM @ http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/talk/blogs/mrs_panstreppon/2009/07/bernie-madoff-sec-investigator.php?ref=reccafe .
According to Memphis Daily News, Laura Pendergest-Holt ( Wood ), Stanford’s CIO, criminally charged in the Stanford investigation, then filed a civil suit against Proskauer & Sjoblom claiming they “hung her out to dry” before the SEC.
Meanwhile, Sjoblom solicited a multi-million dollar retainer from now arrested Stanford Chairman, Allen Stanford, the night before the events with Holt took place at the SEC. http://www.memphisdailynews.com/editorial/Article.aspx?id=41707
The Wall Street Journal reports filing of a Class Action suit against Sjoblom & Proskauer in TX after Davis’ incriminating plea agreement implicating Proskauer, the Class Action seeking damages for the entire $7 Billion under TX Law in damages for Proskauer’s role Aiding & Abetting the Stanford Ponzi, I quote the Wall Street Journal Legal Blog by Amir Efrati,
The suit, filed in federal court in Dallas, says Sjoblom and Proskauer Rose are liable for $7 billion in damages for aiding and abetting Stanford’s alleged fraud…The civil suit is largely based on a plea agreement that we mentioned in this post yesterday, which focuses in part on the alleged actions of Sjoblom, who became outside counsel for Stanford’s international bank based in Antigua in the Caribbean starting in 2005.
The Marc S. Dreier Financial Fraud and Ties to the Proskauer Law Firm
Another defendant in the Iviewit Lawsuit, convicted felon Marc S. Dreier, found orchestrating yet another bizarre Ponzi and in the Dreier scheme, we find yet again another former Proskauer Partner, Sheila M. Gowan, now acting as bankruptcy trustee in the suit as reported by the Wall Street Journal, attached to my Prepared Statement.
As already mentioned herein, Raymond Joao, the rival to Edison with patent applications dated in 1900, perhaps even claiming he invented electricity prior to Edison, then left Meltzer to Dreier, impersonating me as the inventor of my technologies.
It is fitting to note, or joke, here that Dreier was also caught in his scheme using fake and fraudulent names and representations of himself fraudulently impersonating others while trying to Launder stolen money into Canada.
It is known that during that time Raymond Joao made several deals and sales regarding inventions in his name, although details remain sketchy and under investigation.
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