Friday, June 4, 2010

Time to Disbar the Florida Bar. STOP Criminal Activity Among the Florida Attorney Fraternity.

When is Enough really Enough?

The Florida Bar seems to constantly protect illegal activity among Florida Attorneys, to the point of a Trillion Dollar patent theft in which will soon take the investment portfolios of many shareholders of Warner Bros. , Intel, Time Warner Inc. , AOL and More involved in the Stealing of the Iviewit Technlogies Stolen Patent.

More on the Involvement of the Florida Courts and the Florida Bar in the aiding and abetting of stealing a Trillion Dollar Patent at: www.Iviewit.TV - -

Time to STOP Corruption in the Florida Attorney Fraternity.
Time for Accountable among Florida Attorneys.

"" The Florida Bar is a mandatory organization of all lawyers who are licensed by the Supreme Court of Florida to practice law in the state.

John Harkness, Esq., is the Executive Director of The Florida Bar. Mr. Harkness’ core function is to oversee the prosecution of unethical lawyers.

Mr. Harkness’ responsibilities conflict with his position as a Director on the Board of The Florida Bar’s created malpractice carrier, Florida Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company.

As a Director on the Board of the insurance company, Mr. Harkness’ duties include vigorously defending any attorney accused of ethical violations and legal malpractice, who are insured by FLMIC. Yet, Mr. Harkness has held these conflicted dual positions for more than a decade. ""

Other Links on
Iviewit Technologies and the Corrupt Florida Bar

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