Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Curtis Lu - Time Warner Inc. and the Web Stats. Curtis Lu Time Warner

What is Curtis Lu Time Warner up to ?

Why is big names and players interested today.. ?? searching "curtis lu time warner" -

We ALL know by now that a couple of weeks ago Curtis Lu of Time Warner Inc. initiated Contact with iViewit Owner and one of the iViewit inventors Eliot Bernstein - Curtis Lu Time Warner wanted Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Owner to take him by the hand and explain to Curtis Lu Time Warner what his risk was.. meaning OMG what am I up against here.. and well do I really have to tell the Warner Bros. - AOL - Time Warner Inc. Shareholders or can I just get by with ignoring it and maybe get a job at another Big Company BEFORE anyone is any wiser.. to the Trillion Dollar Secret and Liability Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. is Deliberately keeping from the Time Warner Inc. Shareholders...

Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
The World Bank Group TODAY searching "curtis lu time warner"

7 Minutes Later Alexandria Virginia searches Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. and is on ONE of my sites for 4 Hours.. so what happened.. ???

is Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. connected to someone at THE "World Bank Group" -Washington DC - is Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. trying to get a job at the "World Bank Group" - is that why they are googling Curtis Lu - Time Warner Inc.?

Or is the "World Bank Group" helping Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. to Assess the Trillion Dollar Loss and Risk to the Time Warner, AOL and Warner Bros. Shareholders ?

Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. is in Alexandria Right? Is today the first time he Googled "Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. " ? I mean come on searches Curtis Lu of Time Warner Inc. - the Shareholders have Rights - searches Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. is Denying Shareholders their rights to information that will cost them collectively TRILLIONS.. and he knows of the Liability so..searches Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. cannot EVER say he just did not know. .. searches Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. knows BIGTIME..


Ok so 3 Hours Earlier who was searches "Curtis Lu - Time Warner Inc. " ?
Well it was Friedman Billings Ramsey Group - New York.

.. Investor Relations - FBR Capital Markets focuses its banking, advisory, trading and research efforts in ... FBR Capital Markets Announces Promotions within Its Research Group ...

So How many More NOW know of this Massive Shareholder Fraud that will annihilate the Shareholders of AOL - Time Warner Inc. and Warner Bros.?

Who Else is interested in Curtis Lu today?
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States
Vitro Corporation

So what is the deal??

Did Curtis Lu - Time Warner Inc. Panic after talking to iViewit Technologies Owner Eliot Bernstein and decide he could not work at Time Warner Inc.?

Is Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. trying to avoid the HUGE scandal that Time Warner Inc. is about to face and that Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. is Fully Aware Of?

Or is the Hot topic of the day "Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc." because these companies are trying to help Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. to assess the Trillion Dollar Risk of the Fraud - Corruption - Contractual Laws Violated and much more that Time Warner and Curtis Lu will Soon have to face??????

Well I am not sure why the Google Frenzy for "Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc." but I do know that Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. is in HUGE financial trouble and is up against some Major Legal Issues.. with thousands of documents of proof online..

Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc.,
TIME WARNER- SVP, Deputy General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer Curtis Lu;

Links to More information on Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc.
and the Iviewit Stolen Patent.

SEC Complaint involving Time Warner Inc.

Posted here by Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox

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