Wednesday, May 12, 2010

P. Stephen Lamont Warning - Iviewit SC Filing: Shareholder Kevin McKeown "Opts-In" - Iviewit Technologies

It seems that P. Stephen Lamont is still scheming to derail the iViewit Technologies Inventors and Shareholders. Remember I wrote about P. Stephen Lamont, I posted information sent in to me, Stephen Lamont told Me, Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox to get My affairs in order - which to me is a death threat. Them P. Stephen Lamont joined a hate group to launch an online attack on me and more threats of physical violence.

I posted P. Stephen Lamonts emails to me and the proof of who he was talking to in Foley and Lardner and other related parties, I fully believe through who Stephen Lamont sent those posts to that someone in Foley and Lardner, Proskauer Rose and other insiders involved in stealing the Iviewit patent, I believe Stephen Lamont is in bad with the bad guys on this one..

so Every month or so, Stephen Lamont - who has no rights in the iviewit company, well Stephen Lamont keeps surfacing with some bogus claim, attack, or document to try and stall the inevitable to protect the attorneys that I believe he is in the pocket of.. just my own belief from my statcounter, his emails to me and all that has transpired.. no other reason makes sense...

I personally believe that Stephen Lamont is paid to keep the Iviewit shareholders confused and shook up so that the iviewit justice will be put further off... this smoke screen seems to be confincing some iViewit shareholders even though Stephen Lamont does not have the Right to Act on behalf of Iviewit Technologies in any way.

I was writing, blogging on the iViewit Technologies in a way that would tell the truth of what really happened, this Truth would then expose that the iviewit shareholders really got screwed... so why in the world would one of these shareholders attack me and tell me to get my affairs in order... unless their was dirty dealings - double talk and corruption.. behind the scenes..

Now Stephen Lamont is trying to Scheme to put more blocks in True Justice... for the Iviewit Shareholders...

"P. Stephen Lamont, Barry Becker, Brett Howard, and Kevin McKeown v. Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee, et al."

Iviewit SC Filing: Shareholder Kevin McKeown "Opts-In"

Iviewit Shareholders: Look Deep into what you are being spoon fed by Stephen Lamont - I believe he is in bed with the very enemy that stole the Iviewit Patent and keeps you from your money and justice in the first place... trust your instincts folks.. and get proof - facts.. I am NOT asking you to Believe me.. I am Saying that Knowledge is Power and you need to make sure you see proof of Stephen Lamonts rants, requests, suggestions.. talk of his power or rights.. because you may play the fool and instead of getting your money and justice .. you may just be up for criminal charges along with P. Stephen Lamont.. GET your FACTS folks..

Plaintiffs in Lamont’s scheme, if you go along with him.. seek lots of legal advice first.. and make sure that you are informed of the liabilities of putting YOUR names as direct plaintiffs in a lawsuit. You may be SHOCKED at the risk your taking by believing the lies that Stephen Lamont is feeding you.. find your facts independently..

One question I have in all this is .. who issued Kevin McKeown shares in Iviewit since no shares have been legally issued since the board disbanded without notifying shareholders etc. or electing lamont with executive authorities?

Read Folks, Study all the documents at www.Iviewit.Tv and make sure that you know what you are doing before you jump on Stephen Lamont's Bandwagon.. against True iViewit Justice.

It is my understanding that Eliot Bernstein, Owner and One of the Iviewit Inventors .. has warned all that join Lamont’s scheme and put yourself on as a Plaintiff will cause you to be center stage against 4000 defendants or more and the liabilities to you and your family would be incredibly risky..

Why does Lamont need anyone to make his argument??? The Iviewit shareholders surely can see the truth to all of this right?

Please consult a lawyer and Request that Stephen Lamont have a lawyer tell you of ALL the liabilities and risk that may result to you and your families.

Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies has reported P. Stephen Lamont for criminal activities and is awaiting the investigatory reports.

Enter into binding legal agreements with P. Stephen Lamont at your risk.

More on the Iviewit Stolen Patent at
www.Iviewit.TV and

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